“When human will no longer control computer’s tech, 2 choices will remain. Maybe by Irony, let’s hope not sarcasm. But it will be 0 or 1” -Romston, May 4th 2009

Picture title: A Moment of Silence (1/3)
Picture artist: Michale Brun
What i think about this art:
The geometry form gives the touch to the subconsciousness: there’s a diagonal that cut the picture in two.
On a side, it’s weird green with horizontal line, represent a same direction of flux.
On the other side, people are all attach to something…
They think they can look in any direction they want:
(all head doesn’t have the same angle)…
But in fact they don’t. They are still looking in a “mean” direction.
(They don’t even see the one next to them.)
You didn’t realized that the first time ?
What aren’t you realizing now …
Romston ;)