Song: Kugutsuuta Kagirohi Ha Yomi Ni Mata Muto from Kenji Kawai
Group/Artist: “Kenji Kawai”
Album / Collection: “Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence”
Year of release:: September 13, 2005
Song: The Ballade of Puppets: The Ghost Waits In The World Beyond / Kugutsuuta Kagirohi Ha Yomi Ni Mata Muto
Track 10
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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
The way i see the music flow:
- From 0:00 to 0:22 – The Though, part 1
- From 0:23 to 0:24 – The Though, part 2
- From 0:45 to 1:53 – The Hesitation
- From 1:54 to 2:23 – The last 2 second
- From 2:24 to 9:46 – The last second

Picture artist: Tintz
Picture title: Falling

Picture artist: LeonaDeLioncourt
Picture title: Falling Again

Picture artist: Kaiya-Ayame
Picture title: Free Fall